Millennium Apartments

What to do Before You Sign Your First Apartment Lease

What to do Before You Sign Your First Apartment Lease

What to do Before You Sign Your First Apartment Lease


Congratulations! You're ready to move out of your parents' house and find your first apartment. Whether you're moving to Ft Myers, FL or elsewhere, this is an exciting time in your life. Of course, it can also be nerve-wracking. You want to make sure you do everything right, especially when it comes to signing your first lease. In this blog post, we'll go over some important things to do before you sign your first apartment lease.


1. Determine Your Budget

Before you start looking at apartments, you need to know how much you can afford. Determine your monthly budget by adding up your income and subtracting your monthly expenses, such as bills, groceries, and transportation costs. Use this number to determine how much rent you can afford each month. This will help narrow down your search and ensure that you don't fall in love with an apartment you can't afford.

2. Research Your Prospective Landlord

Before you sign anything, it's important to research your prospective landlord. Check online reviews, ask current tenants about their experience, and make sure they have a good reputation in the community. You want to make sure you're renting from someone who is responsible and responsive to your concerns.

3. Inspect the Apartment

Once you find an apartment you like, take the time to inspect it thoroughly. Check for signs of damage, such as cracks in the walls or leaks in the plumbing. Take note of whether the appliances are in good working order, and make sure there's enough storage space for your belongings. Take pictures of any damages you see and bring it to the attention of the landlord before you move in. This will protect you from being held liable for any pre-existing damages.

4. Read the Lease Carefully

Before you sign anything, read the lease thoroughly. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions, including the length of the lease, the rent amount, and any penalties for breaking the lease early. Ask questions and clarify any points that are unclear. Make sure you're comfortable with the terms before signing your name on the dotted line.

5. Take Your Time

Lastly, don't rush into signing a lease. Take your time to consider all your options, weigh the pros and cons of each apartment, and make an informed decision. Don't be afraid to take a second or third look at your top picks before making a final decision. This is a big commitment, and it's important to make sure you're making the right choice.



Signing your first apartment lease can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. By taking the time to determine your budget, research your prospective landlord, inspect the apartment, read the lease carefully, and taking your time, you can ensure that you're making an informed decision that you're comfortable with. Remember that finding the perfect apartment takes time, but it's worth it in the end. Happy apartment hunting! If you're looking for apartments for rent in Ft Myers, FL, be sure to contact Millenium Apartment today to schedule a personal tour.

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