Of course, everyone thinks they are a fantastic roommate. Still, no one will ever be entirely satisfied with who they live with because there are so many idiosyncrasies and patterns that will annoy even the most laid-back and kind people. The trick is simply to find somebody who shares the major attributes of your lifestyle. This doesn't mean looking for your clone. Instead, find somebody that shares your passion at this juncture in your life. It could be anybody from a blue-collar worker to a performer who loves to party on weekends. Anyone can locate the perfect roommate; you have to tolerate the person, accept your conclusion ahead of time, and make sure you understand what you're getting into.
Each milestone roommate, from your dorm years to your first house or apartment, has the prospect of being the start of a lifelong friendship. Bad roommate circumstances have driven best friends to fall out and connections to end, but a buddy of a pal you heard about at 4 a.m. on the way back from the bar might be the most suitable roommate ever.
First, ask your companions, relatives, and co-workers if anyone needs a roommate. If you find someone in your social circle will offer you a rough draft of your prospective roommate and a concept of what to expect from them. Then, when you have a few individuals in mind, begin the interview process. A few items you'll want to examine are job, family, and pursuits, which are essential to understanding your possible roommate on a direct level. Other topics you'll want to discuss include relationship situations, why they are moving, their likes and dislikes, and their prior roommate experiences.
Let's face it, though – we all put on an act for strangers, and it requires hard work, or a lack thereof, to frighten somebody off quickly. You need to discover how this individual acts when not in an interview situation. This can be the most challenging part! How do you know if this individual has a crazy ex ready to toss a rock through your new family room window? You need to urge transparency without appearing to be an absolute creep. Share accounts of what you do weekly in your job and social life to understand what life will be like with this possible roommate.
Never lie concerning your patterns or hobbies. This will be a dishonest way to start things, but you also set yourself up for catastrophe if you claim to have a certain lifestyle you cannot maintain. When you become roommates with somebody, the dynamic transforms to business first—rent, bills, and household chores—and fellowship second. So keep that in mind as you choose someone to live with.
While sharing your apartment with the happy-go-lucky friend, the party every night bartender, or the weekend model might all seem like an excellent idea in the short term, these all can produce a tremendous headache if you work 60 hours every week. So choosing a roommate that complements your lifestyle is critical. Find someone you can handle being around and who is responsible enough to keep their end of the deal. Set up ground rules you both can agree on to save potential problems down the line.