Everyone knows the feeling of being surprised by unexpected guests calling to let you know they are on their way to your house. Maybe you have been working lots of overtime or just finished up with finals at school. No matter the reason, you know you do not want them to see your apartment looking the way it does. So take a breath and try to relax. Our experts on apartments for rent in Ft. Myers, FL, offer these cleaning tips for getting your place in shape fast. They will not solve every problem, and they do cut some corners, but they will make your place more presentable for guests.
Use your phone to snap a few quick pictures of your apartment and take a look at them. Do you see anything that looks significantly out of place? You can quickly get used to the shopping bags you dropped in the corner during your retail therapy last week, but a picture can help remind you to put them away.
Every inch of your apartment does not have to be perfect. Instead, focus on the spaces your guest will be using. You don't have to clean up your home office, so shut the door and deal with it another time. Instead, focus your efforts on your bedroom, kitchen, living room, and bathroom.
Do a quick walkthrough of the rooms we just mentioned and pick up all those damp towels and crumpled t-shirts. You do not have to do your laundry right now, but you need to get them off the floor and toss them into a hamper.
Do another quick walkthrough and focus on counters and tables. Finally, gather up all your dirty dishes and stick them in the sink to deal with later.
Now it is time to grab your disinfectant and other cleaning solutions. First, keep them together in a caddy or basket to make them easier to carry around. Then, when you are done cleaning, you can store them all together.
Guests almost always ask to use the bathroom. Wipe down your mirror, sink, and toilet with the cleaning agents you prefer after putting away any items that make the room look cluttered. A quick scrub of the toilet bowl should do just fine.
Whether your tub is clean or not, it is easier to shut the shower curtain when you are short on time. Besides, a last-minute guest does not need to take a long soak in your tub.
Once you finish in the bathroom, look for anything out of place on your countertops, nightstands, and coffee tables. If you cannot quickly put it away, stack it in a neat pile on the floor. Now dust off the surfaces well. Feather dusters make easy work of dusting and are relatively inexpensive. Finally, wipe away any apparent stains and spills from surfaces and remember to give them a more thorough cleaning later.
All that stuff leftover that was out of place on tables and counters should be loaded into a laundry basket to deal with later.
If you are anything like us, your throw pillows probably spend more time on the floor than the bed, but your guest doesn’t need to know it. Making your bed is an excellent way to make your place look tidier than it is.
Time to take care of those dishes you stuck in the sink. If you own a dishwasher, load it up and keep moving. If not, wash the big stuff and place it on your dish drainer to dry. If you are running out of time, you can stack your dishes up and hide them in the oven to take care of once your guest leaves. Just don't forget about them!
Your place almost looks perfect. Hide that basket of random items under your bed or in your closet. All you have to do is give the floors a spot sweep and quickly vacuum carpeting and rugs. Then fluff up your couch pillows to look cozy and light your favorite candle or spray a little room freshener and viola. Your apartment is presentable for your guest.
Last-minute visits from friends or family can be stressful, but you can tidy up in no time with these great tips. Contact us today if you are looking for apartments for rent in Ft. Myers, FL, and find your new place to call home.