Houseplants are a great way to add some character and life to your home. The problem lies in taking care of them; plants like Orchids are beautiful but require close attention to stay alive. The following are a three tough species of plant that will have no problem surviving in your apartment:
This plant is also referred to as the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. You can leave a Snake plant unattended for weeks without water or light and they will still grow healthy without making you look bad. They are also easy to place in any shape or type of pot without it affecting them adversely.
Bamboo plants are amazing to put in an apartment. Not only are they versatile to put on any desk or counter, they can also grow big and tall for floor pots. You can also get small twisting stalks that are quite amazing to see. Bamboo plants need only water and shade to survive but grow quite fast so if you give them plenty of sunlight. Bamboo grows so voraciously that you will eventually need to movie it to your outside balcony.
Succulents come in many shapes and types. Cacti plants have thorns, while other succulents are just smooth. Most of them don’t bloom but you can find that they have smaller ones that will fill out your living space. You don’t need to give it much water but you should make sure that the soil doesn’t get dried out. Just look through once in a while to be sure that there is still some moisture in the soil.