Renting an apartment can be an arduous process and a financial burden. Here are four tips to help make your renting experience easy:
Existing tenants can be really helpful in making you aware of what to expect in living in such a house. While going from door to door can be pretty tedious, try finding them in the phonebook or online. Set up a face-to-face meeting or give them a call. This will give you some information that the landlord may try to keep from you.
Make sure you don’t miss a single detail when you’re renting. Make sure you have a hardcopy of the lease and the tenancy agreement at all times. Read all legal documents given to you by your landlord very carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
It is important to understand all the details of a tenancy agreement before attesting your signature. This is important to guard against any dispute in the future. We advise you to be aware of the special hidden clauses.
It is recommended that you know the property owner’s opinion on smoking, keeping pets, etc. around the house. Also, who cleans the surrounding and other parts of the house? Will you incur additional expense for owning a pet? Be aware of every condition on your tenancy agreement and know what obligations and rights you have.
Arguably the most important factor to consider when renting; billing and security deposit repayments. Before you sign anything, make sure you know the billing situation front-to-back. Don’t let your potential landlord nickel-and-dime you, which can only happen if you don’t know how the billing system works. Also, familiarize yourself with the conditions of the security deposit. Don’t give your landlord a single reason to not reimburse you.