Millennium Apartments

A guide to setting up meditation space in your apartment

A guide to setting up meditation space in your apartment

A guide to setting up meditation space in your apartment

Meditation is an ancient art that many have mastered around the world. This mysterious art of introspection is known for the host of intrinsic benefits it provides the user. If you’re an experienced meditator, or looking into it for the first time, here are some tips for making the perfect meditation space in your apartment:

  1. 1. Begin by finding the right location

    Serenity, Silence and Calmness are three most important elements of proper meditation. To find the right meditation location, make sure that there are no distractions in the space. If there’s a television in the room, make sure its off. You cannot reach a deep state of introspective meditation with excessive sound or flickering light in your surroundings. One of the most ideal locations is your balcony, if you have one. Try to meditate on your balcony early in the morning, as the sun rises. This will minimize the sound of traffic outside and provide a peaceful, natural experience.

  2. 2. Bring in the accessories

    Some meditators use calming soundtracks or instructional audio to help them meditate. Should you need such sound, a speaker or headphones will help a lot. If you have problems sitting comfortably, bring in some throw pillows. Use a yoga mat to keep a comfortable and level base. For lighting, add a dimmable lamp, hang some sheer curtains or blinds to achieve the optimal lighting for your concentration and relaxation.

  3. 3. A touch of nature

    If you wish to become one with the Earth, be sure to bring a little nature into your meditation station. Bring some houseplants into your meditation space to add a touch of nature. See our article on houseplants to find the right one for you. Another great touch is an electronic fountain, or fish aquarium. The sound of flowing water is very relaxing to some.

If you enjoy meditating with a partner, be sure to pick an area that is great enough to accommodate both of your needs.

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